is a project I’ve worked on together with apptite. We created the Beluister app in Flutter and the website using statamatic, I designed the app, website and logo and did the html & css for the site.
It’s a “walking app”, where users can choose between several walks or a bike tour. The special thing about these tours, is that users are guided from point of interest to point of interest. At each of these locations, the user can scan a QR code that triggers an audio fragment about that location. The fragments are all fascinationg stories. Told by historians or by people who lived or worked there. Stories about memories, about historic events, famous battles, …
In addition to that, the user can focus on an image of the location and by swiping they can see the old and present state.
Currently the app has one bike-tour from Tienen to Tongeren that follows an old abandoned railroad. The walking tours center around a famous battle ‘The battle by Neerwinden’ in the region of Landen.
More tours will be added in the future!